EXCLUSIVE: Download New Track From Tototomás Just In Time For Colder Days In Argentina

By 06 April, 2016

Folklore, as a musical concept in Argentina, has always seen its influence through the prism of popular music, be it rock nacional or, as is the current case, electronic music. In all cases, it manages to achieve a special balance that makes it sound very local, yet globally interesting. Tototomás opt for something else, mixing traditional South American song elements with lo-fi aesthetics and punk attitude to deliver a subtle indie folk output.

Ahead of the release of their next LP Bochorno, the group have released the tracks “Inundaremos”, a sweet guitar-driven song with dramatic string arrangements by guest instrumentalist Eugenia María and Ana M. Díaz, and playful tropical serenade “Cuándo Vienes Saltando”. Now they share via Sounds and Colours their latest appetizer, “Fríos”.

A melancholic pop ballad with synthesizers threatening to take over, its simple lyrics talk about the little things that define the decay of feelings between two people. Soft at the beginning, energetic by the end, it reminds you that after the winter, always comes spring. Summer in Argentina is gone, so let the fall season begin.

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