Belize – Something for Everyone

By 09 September, 2024

Belize. It’s a tiny country (population less than 400,000) situated just below Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico. Some call it the best-kept secret in Latin America, and, once you visit, you’ll probably agree. And, except for winter sports, this little paradise does truly offer something for everyone.

Brief History

Thousands of years before the “white man” discovered the “new world,” the Mayans flourished in what is today Belize. When colonization of Latin America began, Spain was the biggest power. There were a few exceptions, and one was Belize – colonized by Great Britain. Thus, the “official” language of English.

In 1981, Belize was granted its independence with a peaceful transition to a parliamentary form of government, and political unrest is minor in this peaceful producer of coffee, fruits and vegetables, sugar, a diversity of woods from its forests, and fish.

Today, the people of Belize include:

  • Mayans: Descendants of the first inhabitants
  • Creole: African and Spanish mix
  • Garifuna: Also a mixture – African and Indigenous
  • Mestizos: Mixture of Maya and Spanish descent
  • Other: Asian, Mennonite, Europeans, and North Americans

It is a country with a rich history and a pretty amazing present. Let’s have a look at the many “faces” that will attract visitors and permanent residents alike.

The Second Largest Coral Reef in the World

gray fish on white coral reef

Protected by strict government regulation, the coral reef is a diver’s paradise and a major tourist attraction for explorers from all over the world.

Ancient Ruins

For those into history, there are the Mayan ruins to explore. These are dotted around the country and “feel” an awfully a lot like Egypt.

The Rain Forests – a Nature Lover’s Paradise

For those who want to experience the abundant plant and animal life of the rainforest environment, Belize offers many. Tourists can take guided tours or go it alone. Be forewarned, though, that visitors must stay on the established paths or face problems with the local authorities. The government is serious about preserving its ecosystems.

Beaches and Resorts

Beautiful beaches and clear water provide fun in the sun for anyone who is looking to get away from their cold weather environments. The average annual temperature of Belize is 79 degrees Fahrenheit, with ranges from the upper 60s to the lower 90s. While high humidity can make it feel warmer, the Gulf breezes make up for it.

Local Culture

With such a diverse cultural background, the art, crafts, and music of Belize is a rich mixture. Going to the smaller towns and villages will provide an immersion into this richness – jewelry, paintings, woven 

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Belizean music is the same mixture of ethnic backgrounds. Perhaps one of the most famous and delightful is the drumming which can be experienced all over the country in restaurants and clubs.

man in brown shirt playing drum

The Mountains

Any country that grows coffee must have mountains, but Belize has some of the most beautiful. Anyone who happens to be in Belize during its rainy season (the fall) will probably experience some amazing rainbows. 

For hikers, there are some great options, from easy to difficult:

  • Victoria Peak – Multiple days (3-4) and for experienced hikers only.
  • Bens Bluff Trail – Beautiful views, easy.
  • Crystal Cave Trail – For Spelunkers
  • Antelope Falls – Amazing waterfalls
  • Lamanai Ruins – For the History Buffs


Belize is a favorite destination for couples looking for a romantic getaway, not to mention that it has become one of the most popular wedding venues in Central America.

Females traveling solo who might be looking for a single man just might find one during tourist season in Belize. Guys come looking for women too.


Generally speaking, Belize is a country filled with friendly, helpful people. The one exception would be Belize City, but that is not a traveler’s final destination for the most part. People who fly into Belize land at the national airport just outside of Belize City, but, from there they travel by car, shuttle, or “island hopper” planes to smaller airports throughout the country.

A Paradise for Expats

There is a growing population of expats in Belize from Europe, Asia, and North America. And for retirees, there is the “Qualified Retirement Program” offering many benefits to older individuals and couples. Buying property and building a home is relatively easy to do.

What are You Waiting For?

No matter what your reason for visiting or settling in Belize, you will find that it offers all that you might want in a destination. Put it on your bucket list now.

Put Belize on Your Bucket List

No matter what you may be looking for – a vacation packed with as much diversity as you could want or a place to settle in – Belize should be at the top of your places to consider.

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