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Live One-Take Video by Argentina’s Orquesta de Nuevos Compositores is a Technical and Emotional Triumph

By 11 May, 2020

Orquesta de Nuevos Compositores seemed to be ahead of the curve when it came to lockdown. Their latest video, “Siesta”, features the group, as well as a forlorn dancer, locked up in a house in Buenos Aires. With the group performing live, beautifully in syncopation with the dancer, who roams, falls, jerks and cavorts through the house, the result is a beautiful thing, and clearly a technical triumph.

The video was directed by the production company Fardo. Their Pablo Rojzman explained that it was recorded entirely live and that Fardo “insisted to the band to practice over and over again the weeks before”, to ensure that the video was a success. But, they still suffered many issues, as Rojzman told me: “the equipment that we rented never showed up, so we had to look for other equipment the same day; the computer where we were recording audio literally died, made us lose hours; electricity shut down in the block five minutes before shooting.. we had to ask for power from a garage near by… All that in the same day. So it was hard, but if you don’t take risks it’s difficult to make this kind of video.”

Despite these issues, the video is an undoubted success, uniting one of Orquesta de Nuevos Compositores’s most dynamic and playful songs yet – it was written by band member Iván Katzman – with a video that completely captures the attention, the mournful dancer bringing each instrument and melody to life.

Orquesta de Nuevos Compositores are an instrumental nine-piece group from Argentina whose music could loosely be described as chamber jazz, though there music includes elements of folk and classical, and they’ve shown themselves to be a versatile unit on their self-titled debut (2014) and follow-up Imaginaria (2017).

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