The Mother of all Flash Mobs
14 August, 2023There are flash mobs and then there are epic FLASH MOBS. This one definitely comes into the capitalised category. It took place in the refurbished Battersea Power Station to promote the Battersea Games, a new summer event that runs until 3rd September, comprising free evening movies and multifarious sports and games for all ages aimed at the local community.
It took the form of a version of “Aquarela do Brasil” performed by 50 young musicians aged between 11 and 25 years old from the World Heart Beat Music Academy and the Brazilian orchestra, Maré do Amanhã, visiting the UK as part of their extensive European tour. Both organisations have a similar ethos, which aims, through music education, to positively transform the lives of young people by nurturing their talent and providing a richly diverse, unique and inclusive teaching environment. They offer a broad programme of music lessons, workshops and events in Brazil and the United Kingdom respectively.
So look upon their collaboration and wonder how on earth… – then check the social media links beneath the video and visit the games if you’re anywhere near the Battersea area this month.
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