Famed Colombian Accordionist Aniceto Molina, ‘El Embajador de la Cumbia’, Has Passed Away
31 March, 2015As a colombiana, the news of Colombian cumbia legend Aniceto Molina‘s passing on Monday March 30th has saddened me greatly. From the northern coast of Colombia, Molina had a long career that stretched over 40 years. Born in 1939, Molina began playing the accordion at the age of 12; he would make a huge contribution to cumbia’s transnational success. Known as “El Embajador de la Cumbia” (The Ambassador of Cumbia), Molina has left dozens of records behind. It was to his music that I learned to dance cumbia with my family on holidays. Growing up with his music is what reminded me of what being Colombian is: happy, beautiful and dancing to the sounds of the accordion. What better way to celebrate his life than to jam out to some his finest cumbia’s, tracks that have been numerously recreated all over the world. Below is a video playlist I compiled to commemorate “El Tigre Sabanero”. Que descansa en paz!
1. Cumbia Sampuesana
2. Mi Sombrero Sabanero
3. La Campanera
4. Negra Caderona
5. El Peluquero
6. El Gallo Mojado
7. Charanga Costena
8. La Gorra No Se Me Cae
9. Josefina
10. Fiesta Cumbiabera
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