Essay about Religion in Latin America
13 May, 2020A Latin American Pope points out how important the region is in the Church’s scheme of things. However, numerically and in the conviction of belief, the Church is not doing that well in the region. It is the most obvious conclusion made from a Pew study conducted in 2014. This is the religion essay introduction that this article intends to examine.
The percentage of the Catholic population has declined by almost 20%. As per estimates in the 20th Century, almost 90% of all South Americans were Catholics. This drop in figures increased. It is borne out by the fact that 84% of people professed to have a Catholic upbringing and. This points towards a 15% drop in figures for the Catholic Church to contend. This article should serve as a good sample of an essay on religion in schools.
The figures should hardly surprise anyone familiar with the region’s religious developments. More and more Catholics are turning to evangelical churches. Deserving of special mention among such evangelical groups is the Pentecostal Church.
The study that points towards these trends was quite comprehensive. It involved more than 30,000 adult persons from a vast 19 South American countries. Though this is not a religion definition essay, we do intend to have an overview of the societal aspects of religion.
The following are the key results from the study:
Catholics Are Still Very Much the Majority
The percentage of the population with Catholic beliefs are indeed dwindling. However, the vast majority of South America is still very much Catholic. Not only that, but this group is also still the majority in all South American countries. Religion is such a difficult topic that it is little wonder that students turn to paper writing help.
Most of the group of people to have shunned Catholicity have turned to Protestantism. Either that or they do not identify with any religion. Consider the following figures:
- 9% of the people were protestants
- Only 4% of people had an unaffiliated upbringing.
However, as adults with those beliefs constitute 19% and 8% of the population, respectively. The number of people not turning to any religious belief is on the rise. Religion still forms an integral part of South American lives and hence find their way to the books. Hiring an academic writing service may often be a lifesaver to students who have to complete challenging assignments on religion.
However, the number of people not turning to any religious belief has doubled in the recent past. 8% of the population, as we mentioned earlier.
Why Are People Abandoned the Catholic Way of Life
The survey helped to know the reason of declining Catholic numbers. According to its findings, people want a more personal experience with God. Other top reasons include the manner of worshipping. People also evidently want a more significant role for morality in their religious lives.
The gap in religious beliefs is especially evident in Venezuela. It’s Catholic Church was at loggerheads with the erstwhile ruler Hugo Chavez. It happened because the government changed the Lord’s Prayer. This was done in apparent praise of Chavez. It appeared that the Godless socialists did anything to be one with God.
The people’s views about serious issues faced by Catholics vary. The popular opinion is more inclined towards allowing contraceptives and divorce. Nevertheless, the issue of women priests and allowing priests to marry had a more divided response.
If you are asked to write an essay on religion, you should note the above statistics. You can also turn to Speedy Paper and ask them- write me an essay. But remember to have a look at the SpeedyPaper review first.
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