How to Learn Spanish Faster? Best Tips for Students

By 04 March, 2021

Learning Spanish for your college course? Want to learn it quickly and gain high levels of proficiency? The most effective way to speed up your learning is to learn it from a Spanish language tutor. Well, Spanish is a complex language that you can’t learn overnight. However, with a few tips and techniques, you can definitely learn Spanish quickly and efficiently.

Let’s take a look at tips to learn Spanish faster for students!

Sing Along to Music

We all love music and listening to songs. Instead of getting lost in a vocabulary book, you should create a playlist of Spanish songs. Spanish ballads are pretty easy to sing along and you will learn new Spanish words in a fun way.

Listen to the songs on your home from college, on your way to work, in the shower, etc. and you will see your Spanish language skills getting better with each passing day!

Watch Spanish Telenovelas

We spend a lot of our time in front of Television watching soap operas and dramas. Why not watch Spanish telenovelas? Telenovelas are a great way to learn Spanish fast and they will help you learn conversational Spanish. If you don’t want to watch shows entirely in Spanish, there are various shows such as Jane the Virgin and Ugly Betty that use the language sparingly, and that too with subtitles!

Read Everything

Are you reading a Spanish novel? There are plenty of gifted Spanish writers who write amazing stories. However, it is not only novels that you should read. From cookbooks to lifestyle magazines, there is plenty of Spanish literature that you should read.

If you start learning the language with the help of boring textbooks, it will be hard. However, if you read fun magazines and newspapers, you will not only learn the language, you will have fun while doing so!

Moreover, when you write something written in English, or you hear people talking around you, try to translate that into Spanish. Pay attention to things in your surroundings and then think of their names in Spanish.

Utilize Your Commute Time

Do you walk to your school or do you take the bus? Whether you drive, walk, or take the train to get to your classes, it is a nice idea to download some Spanish podcasts and listen to them on your commute.

Your commute is basically your ‘free time’ and if you utilize that as well, your language skills will go through the roof quickly if you focus on your Spanish listening skills!

Find Spanish Speakers

Nothing will increase your Spanish language skills like having people around you who actually speak the language. From your friends to your colleagues, if there are people who are from a Spanish-speaking country, try to spend more time around them.

This will help you learn the language faster and you will become fluent enough to converse in Spanish which is a step in the right direction.

Learn how to write an essay in Spanish and it will pay off when you can speak Spanish fluently. “Turn your Spanish learning journey a part of your day to day life and you will see how easy it becomes to learn the language,” says Aaron Horn, writer at PapersOwl. “You need to start thinking in Spanish, talking in Spanish, writing in Spanish and you will see how quickly your proficiency increases.”

Visit Spain in the Summer

The fastest way to learn Spanish is to go to Spanish-speaking countries or go to Spain and lose yourself in the experience. There are lots of people who have never taken a single Spanish class yet are fluent speakers of the language just because they spent some time in a Spanish-speaking country.

We have all heard that practice makes perfect and that is indeed true. Keep practicing until you learn to speak without errors. Even if you are making mistakes, in the beginning, don’t be ashamed or embarrassed.

We make mistakes when we are speaking our native language even, so it is perfectly normal to struggle with a foreign language. Practice the words that you learn every day. Whether it is conversing with a Spanish waiter or giving instructions to a taxi driver, don’t hesitate to put your skills to practice.

If you don’t have anybody to talk to, you can teach your dogs a few commands in Spanish!

Create Colorful flashcards

Flashcards are a time-tested way of learning new words in different languages. Instead of using dry and dull flashcards, use colors to brighten up the learning process. Use stickers, drawings, etc. to make the flashcards more interesting.

You can use colorful designer paper to cut your flashcards from and use bright markers to write the words on them. You have to make the learning process as fun as possible!

Make a Schedule and Stick to It

No matter what you approach towards learning Spanish is, you have to be dedicated. Make a time table and a daily schedule and then ensure that you follow it religiously. If your daily goal is to study Spanish for one hour, you have to fulfill that goal.

No matter what happens, how tired you are, how many other obligations you have, you need to stick to the schedule that you have made. A small slip from the schedule in the beginning doesn’t seem like much but if it becomes a habit, you will face drastic consequences.

Take Spanish Lessons

Take Spanish learning tips and lessons. We know that the thought of additional classes and studies is not something that you will like, but this is a perfect way to increase your fluency. Spanish lessons are an effective way of improving your fluency.

You don’t have to take physical lessons. They can be virtual lessons, audiobooks, or in any other format that you like. There are various Spanish courses online that you can enroll yourself in and improve your language learning skills.

There are various videos on free channels such as a Spanish YouTube channel that you can use to your advantage as well!

Final Word

No matter which way you choose to learn Spanish, make sure that it is fun, interesting, and keeps your hooked. Spanish is a beautiful language, and if learned correctly, the learning process becomes an exciting and amazing experience!

Happy Learning Spanish, Folks!

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