Leo Justi Showcases Brazilian Dance Craze Passinho in Latest Video ‘Larga o Aço’
05 July, 2017For his latest video heavy baile producer Leo Justi has turned to an old friend, Julio Secchin (they worked together on the incredibly-good “Sniper Queen” video), for a startling portrait of passinho, a dance craze that in the space of just a few years has gone from the favela to the mainstream in Brazil (there have been many TV contests looking for the next big passinho talent).
In the hands of Secchin though, passinho turns back to its roots and the happiness it can bring to youth living in Rio’s shantytowns. As Justi‘s music is inspired by the baile funk of these very same neighbourhoods – though it must be said he puts baile through a big beat filter that ensures his tunes will always be the loudest and most direct wherever they get played – the video for “Larga o Aço” proves a perfect fit.
Here’s Julio Secchin to talk a little about the significance of passinho:
“Passinho—which translates as ‘footwork’—is the ultimate expression of Rio’s Favelas. Born out of the alleyways in slums across the city, barefooted kids shaped this dance into a Brazilian institution.
“Far from the estate’s support and infrastructure, an amazing amount of talent emerged from the poorest neighbourhoods in Rio. Young men and women turn to this artistic expression to avoid being recruited by one of the many drug trafficking gangs—an attitude that can be both risky and life-saving.
“Both dancers in the video have made a name for themselves in this business, and are now giving back to the community, teaching young kids. Dance move by dance move, they help to shape a brighter future for their neighbourhood.”
You can listen to more Leo Justi at waxploitation.com/leo-justi
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