PREMIÈRE: Bronko Yotte Unveils New Rap Track ‘Lumbre’

By 10 November, 2017

Two years after his latest album, Gala (that featured great tracks alongside rappers Camileazy, Mantoi and pop singer Gepe), alternative rapper Bronko Yotte is back with a new single that shows his constant search for fresh sounds. He told us: “I don’t want to be comfortably sitting on a couch of what has worked well for me before”, something that you can see when you move around his discography, finding experiments with different approaches to make hip-hop interesting.

“Lumbre” is produced by Felipe Berrios, a.k.a. Bronko Yotte, and Elías Roca, with scratches from Daniel Pérez a.k.a. DJ Pérez, and it draws inspiration from British hip-hop, something you can perceive in the subtle UK garage vibe from the beat and in the metrics of Felipe’s rhyming, which comes from a Chile that struggles every day with social injustice and constant conflict.

A mix of influences in sound and concept, “Lumbre” certainly sets a path that will foretell the steps that Bronko Yotte will take in further movements, as he continues to develop his sound.

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