We Need Visions of Blue – New Crisálida Sónica compilation from Peru
04 January, 2011Coinciding on our extended article on the Crisálida Sónica movement in Peru we are very happy to also post this compilation. Crisálida Sónica is the name given to both a record/demo that came out in Peru in 1997 and the scene which that record represented. This scene, which emerged in Lima in the early 90s and continues to this day represents an alternative style of music, taking cues from krautrock, shoegaze, eletronica and indie-rock, at the same time as acknowledging avant-garde musicians such as John Cage and Karlheinz Stockhausen. It made for an invigorating, often challenging movement which continues to this day.
Wilder Gonzalez Agreda was involved in the initial environs of Crisálida Sónica, playing in bands Fractal and Avalonia, and he continues to have a big influence, supporting the movement as well as continuing to play as a solo performer and as a member of Peruvian Red Rockets. He has kindly compiled Crisalida Sonica Compilation 3.0, otherwise known as We Need Visions of Blue, exclusively for Sounds and Colours, and here it is, complete with notes from Wilder.
1. Martelenor – Hipnoascensión [live] (2010)
Martelenot is a new ensemble which congregates two musicians from Hipnoascensión and one from Fractal.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/01.-MARTELENOR-Hipnoascensión-2010.mp3|titles=Martelenor – Hipnoascensión]
2. Serpentina Satélite – Sangre de Grado (2010)
Serpentina Satélite is the new project of former Espira’s drummer, Aldo Castillejos.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/02-SERPENTINA-SATELITE-Sangre-de-Grado-2010.mp3|titles=Serpentina Satelite – Sangre de Grado]
3. Tica – Vox Horrísona (2008)
Tica was the “pop” experiment of Christian Galarreta of Evamuss along with his friend Fabiola Vásquez. Now Christian has another project called Ninguna Nínfula which is going to put out its first release soon.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/03.-TICA-Vox-Horrísona-2008.mp3|titles=Tica – Vox Horrísona]
4. La Ira de Dios – Guerrilla A Go Go (2010)
La Ira de Dios is the project of Espira’s guitarist Chino Burga.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/04.-LA-IRA-DE-DIOS-guerrilla-a-go-go-2010.mp3|titles=La Ira de Dios – Guerilla a Go Go]
5. The Electric Butterflies – In Search Of My Soul (2005)
The Electric Butterflies was a “pop” experiment by Fractal’s member Wilder Gonzales.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/05.-THE-ELECTRIC-BUTTERFLIES-In-Search-Of-My-Soul-2005.mp3|titles=The Electric Butterflies – In Search Of My Soul]
6. Leche Plus – Viajero Espacial (2009)
Leche Plus is a new project of folks influenced by Crisálida Sónica, especially by Hipnoascensión.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/06.-LECHE-PLUS-Viajero-Espacial-2009.mp3|titles=Leche Plus – Viajero Espacial]
7. Fractal – Niña Flor (2009)
“Niña Flor” is a new version of an early Avalonia song, now re-recorded by Fractal.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/07.-FRACTAL-Niña-Flor-2009.mp3|titles=Fractal – Niña Flor]
8. Catervas – Covida (2008)
“Covida” is a song from the last album by brothers Reyes of Catervas.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/08.-CATERVAS-Covida-2008.mp3|titles=Catervas – Covida]
9. Hipnoascensión – Gran Sol (2009)
“Gran Sol” is a song from the last album by psychedelic peruvian gods Hipnoascensión.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/09.-HIPNOASCENSION-Gran-Sol-2008.mp3|titles=Hipnoascensión – Gran Sol]
10. Ultravelvet – Algún Día (2009)
Ultravelvet is a project of Wilder Gonzales and a new friend Jorge Rivas O’Connor who also plays in an excellent ethereal band called Puna.
[audio:http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/01/10.-ULTRAVELVET-Algún-Día-2009.mp3|titles=Ultravelvet – Algún Día]
Download the complete compilation as a .zip file HERE.
Read our in-depth article on Crisálida Sónica, as well as download the original compilation, HERE.
Many thanks to Wilder Gonzalez Agreda for creating this compilation. You can find out more about the Crisálida Sónica movement as well as Wilder himself at his two blogs Paraíso Vacío and Vanguardia Peruana, Space-rock y Sonidos Contemporáneos
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