Rio Breaks — Dreaming of Fresh Bread
18 May, 2011Another new clip from Rio Breaks for you today. This clip again features Fabio and Naama, the two stars of the film, as they take a break from surfing and favela life to dream about buying fresh bread from the bakery. In line with the rest of the film though, it’s not long before they start arguing!
[flashvideo file=http://soundsandcolours.com/static/2011/05/rio-breaks-2.mov /]
This week is Rio Breaks weeks on Sounds and Colours. Already we’ve featured two clips from the film on Monday and Tuesday. This is part #3. Hopefully it’ll get your juices flowing for the upcoming UK cinematic release of the film, a documentary about a surfing school in Rio de Janeiro.
It will be showing in UK cinemas from June 3rd and will be released by Mr Bongo Films. See the official website for full details of screenings: www.riobreaks.com.
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