Free Download: 10 New Brazilian Albums
22 July, 2013As part of the research for our Sounds and Colours Brazil book/CD (due in Sept 2013) we have been speaking to all manner of cultural agitators, including Marcelo Costa of the indefatigable Scream & Yell blog, one of our trusted sources for finding out about the best new music, books and films coming out of Brazil.
For one of our articles Marcelo was kind enough to recommend us all these albums, from mainly São Paulo-based artists, which are currently available free to download. Below you’ll find a mixture of hip-hop (Criolo, Emicida), pop (Tulipa Ruiz), tropicália-esque rock/pop (Apanhador Só), singer/songwriter (Jair Naves) and all points in between. We recommend you at least download three of these albums. Think of it as a lucky dip, and be sure that whatever you get, you won’t be disappointed.
Apanhador Só: “Antes Que Tu Conte Outra” (2013) apanhadorso.com
Criolo e Emicida: “Ao Vivo” (2013) dvdcrioloemicida.com
Do Amor: “Piracema” (2013) doamor.bandcamp.com/album/piracema
Jair Naves: “Cela Escura” (2012) jairnaves.com.br
O Terno: “66” (2012) oterno.com.br/#!em-branco/c1oas
Passo Torto: “Passo Elétrico” (2013) – passotorto.com.br/site/Downloads.html
Pélico: “Que Isso Fique Entre Nós” (2011) pelico.com.br
Tatá Aeroplano: “Tatá Aeroplano” (2012) tataaeroplano.com/site/album
Trupe Chá de Boldo: “Nave Manha” (2012) trupechadeboldo.com/baixe-os-discos
Tulipa Ruiz: “Tudo Tanto” (2012) tuliparuiz.com
Huge thanks to Marcelo Costa for sending us this list over. You can check out the Scream & Yell blog at screamyell.com.br. If you’d like to pre-order a copy of our Sounds and Colours Brazil book/CD then just head over to soundsandcolours.com/issues/sounds-and-colours-brazil
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