Trailer Released for New São Paulo Street Art Documentary
25 June, 2013Cidade Cinza (Grey City) is the name of a new documentary taking a look at the role of street art in São Paulo, looking at how street art has taken over the city, how the city continues to reject it and how many of the artists have since achieved international fame.
The documentary has been directed by Marcelo Mesquita and Guilherme Valiengo. Some of the street artists featured include OsGemeos, Nunca, Nina, Ise, Finok and Zefix. The soundtrack has been composed by none other than Criolo! It’s safe to say we’re already getting quite excited about this one.
For updates on Cidade Cinza go to their Facebook page. You can watch the trailer below. English subtitles can be switched on using the Subtitle button in Youtube.
Here is the blurb for the film in Portuguese (at the moment no English translation has been made available):
“Nas ruas de uma das maiores e mais desorganizadas metrópolis do mundo nasceu uma nova forma de graffiti, na qual o hip hop americano foi substituído pela cultura regional brasileira. Rapidamente, as obras d’Osgemeos, Nunca e Nina se espalharam pelas ruas de São Paulo e depois pelas galerias do mundo. No entanto, uma nova lei de combate à poluição visual fez a prefeitura de são paulo cobrir suas pinturas de cinza.”
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