Sounds and Colours’ Colombia Book Preparing for Take-Off
03 September, 2012Our Colombia book/CD project is approaching take-off. We’re just waiting for the final few tracks to be cleared for the CD, and putting the final touches to the book itself. We’re expecting it to be ready for delivery in the next few weeks, but don’t want to make too many promises. Especially, as we haven’t been able to keep to any of our previously revealed release dates! However, we did want to give a public announcement that it’s coming soon, and also give you a quick glimpse of the contents.
The book contains 208 pages of pure Colombian music, culture and current affairs. We have been very fortunate to have some amazing contributors for this project, who mostly worked on a voluntary basis. There will be articles from a range of voices (from Colombians, from scholars, from musicians, from fanboys like ourselves, and many others), interspliced with photos and illustrations, to give a real glimpse into the quite amazing and diverse Colombian culture.
Full contents for the book are below. We are just waiting to clear the last few tracks on the album so not ready to divulge the tracklisting yet. However, you can be sure it’s gonna be very nice indeed!
Colombian Music: Introduction by Russell Slater
Andrés Landero, Musical Traditions and the Cultural Representation of the Sabana by Bardo Martinez
Ondatrópica by Russell Slater
Q&A: Eblis Javier Alvarez Vargas (Meridian Brothers)
Pernett: Out of the Lab and Into Your Computer by Gina Vergel
Joe Arroyo: Tales of a Caribbean Troubador by Alberto M Coronado
El Carnaval de Curramba (Barranquilla) by Gina Vergel
Musica Africana by Russ Slater
Music as Resistance: The Story of Champeta by Nicholas Carter
Q&A: Hugo Candelario
Picós by Mirjam Wirz (Photos)
Q&A: Hector Buitrago
Manu Chao in Colombia by Russell Slater
Colombian Cinema: Introduction by Russell Slater
Colombian Cinema is Ready for It’s Close-Up by Carlos A Gutiérrez
Q&A: Ciro Guerra
Film Reviews
Q&A: Marta Rodriguez
Politics, Human Rights & Social Issues
From the Soul of Colombia to the Heart of Venezuela by Stephanie Kennedy
Voice of Witness: Danny’s Story
Colombia’s Quest for Peace and Justice: The International and National Context by James Petras
The Sierra Nevada Indians by Survival International
Colombia’s Cultural Mixology by Jamie B. Gelbtuch
Pablo Escobar as Tourist Attraction by Mindy Laughton
Arts & Books
Ornament and Crime by Humberto Junca Casas
A Gabriel Garcia Marquez Reader by Gina Vergel
William S Burroughs’ Yage Letters by Leslie Wylie
Neckeyenosebreaking: The Life and Work of Andrés Caicedo by José Sandoval Zapata
Populardelujo: The Taste of Others by Jose Roca
Hector Abad’s Colombian Tragedy by Ed Hart
Photos by Ewald Vanvugt and Raul Linares
Illustrations from Power Paola and Lido Pimienta
Original artwork from Typozon
16-track CD compilation of new music from Colombia, featuring a wide range of styles.
If you would like to pre-order a copy you can do so by going to soundsandcolours.com/issues/sounds-and-colours-colombia where there are a number of options depending on whether you are based in the UK, Europe or the rest of the world. As soon as the book goes to the printers we will remove the option to have your name printed in the book. As it stands, everyone who buys a copy soon will have their name printed in the inside of the book.
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