Vincent Moon Explores Afro-Brazilian Religion of Umbanda in New Petites Planetes Volume

By 26 March, 2012

In the latest of Vincent Moon‘s Petites Planetes series he documents a music and dance ritual in Belém do Para, capturing the Umbanda Afro-Brazilian religion in one of it’s purest incarnations.

What’s striking about this video, and which sets it apart from other music videos (even those within the Petites Planetes series), is the fact that this is devotional music, with the energy of this music and dance ritual coming from a purely sacred (and traditional) mindset. Any concept of performance or showmanship is redundant.

This particular ritual is derived from the São Jorge da Mina people, a name given to the slaves who came to Brazil from the old Republic of Ghana (in the current Togo, Benin and Nigeria).

Other excellent Brazilian music videos from Petites Planetes include these recent films of Naná Vasconcelos and Elza Soares.

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