Mind-blowing Beats from New Dilema Industria Compilation
23 September, 2011A new compilation from the Dilema Industria netlabel shows that Chile is producing some of the best beats and electronica out there. These are beats the equal of Daedalus, Flying Lotus and Prefuse 73. Last month we made a compilation of the electronic artists featured on the Pueblo Nuevo label. This concerned a lot of electronic music coming from an avant-garde, often obtuse, sometimes pop direction. On Dilema En Serie Vol 2 we hear beats more influenced by rap and hip-hop.
The first three tracks on this compilation, by Antioch, Gen & Kronos Jetyawar and Oh Maik, couldn’t start things better. All brooding beats, off-kilter sounds and ingenious in approach, they also represent the first part of the compilation, which to our ears has three distinct parts. The second is full of confrontational hip-hop before returning to more beat-mastery for the final part, ending on the hallucinatory “Samba Adventures On A Pulsar.”
Unfortunately we don’t know enough about these artists to give them a proper introduction, but the music should do the talking. This is a really amazing compilation that will open your eyes to some of the great music being made in Chile. Listen to the compilation in full below:
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1134252″ height=”200″]
You can download the compilation as well as find out more about it (in Spanish) at dilemaindustria.cl/sitio/dilema-en-serie-vol-2.
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